
Psychology is the science of mind, behavior, and experience. It attempts to explain why humans and non-humans behave in the way they do, and to support the explanations with objective evidence.

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Organizational Psychology

Organizational psychology is a research field about how employees experience their environment and how they think, feel, behave, act, and interact in the organizational environment.

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Psychiatry is a mediacal specialty devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders such as psychoses, adjustment reactions, anxiety disorder, depression and other mood disorders.

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Genetic Counselling

Genetic counseling, a critical aspect of clinical genetics, is the provision of appropriate information and advice about inherited conditions in order to allow informed reproductive choices to be made.

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Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive psychology is devoted to the study of human mental processes. Such study includes the broad categories of perception, memory, language, acquisition of knowledge, problem solving, creativity, decision making, and reasoning.

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Working Memory

Working memory is an active memory system required for conscious cognitive processing. It has the ability to hold a limited amount of information on-line over the short term while the information is being actively used or processed.

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Prospective Memory

Prospective memory is typically conceptualized as any intended action that must be completed in the future. It’s a distinct memory system for remembering to do something at a particular moment in the future (e.g., to remember to call keep an appointment or pick up some times at the mall).

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Amnesia is the name given to disorders of memory Opens in new window. You can probably recall quite easily where you were five minutes ago, or the person you just chatted with, or even what you did yesterday evening. Most persons with amnesia would be unable to remember these details.

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Albinism, one of the most widely recognized and striking of all genetic conditions, describes a group of inherited metabolic disorders characterized by a reduction or absence of a pigment (called melanin) in the skin, hair and eyes. Affected individuals manifest visual abnormalities.

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Gene Mutation

A mutation is a permanent transmissible change in the nucleotide sequence of a chromosome, usually in a single gene, which may lead to loss or change of the normal function of the gene. An incidence of mutation is rare, occurring in less than 1% of a given population.

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Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is excessive anxiety upon separation or anticipation of separation from home or from those to whom the individual is attached. Youngsters may avoid situations that lead to separation from primary caregivers and/or safe places.

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